Event finished. This event was in the past: 2:00pm on Saturday, February 08, 2025
Are you stuck on a software-related project or simply need constructive ideas to get you started? Let us help! A technology trainer will be available to assist you in this open lab.
Please note: Software questions are handled based on the topics discussed in any of the classes offered at the Library.
Recommended Audience: Adult
LYNX Bus Link 443 / Winter Park | Pine Hills
The Fairview Shores Branch first opened its doors in 1950 as the College Park Branch at 703 Smith Street. The branch moved several times over the next four decades. In 1997, the branch opened as the Edgewater Branch at its last home at 5049 Edgewater Drive in the Northgate Plaza. This location served the neighboring communities for approximately 22 years and is now expanding its reaches to the wider surrounding communities as it transforms to the new Fairview Shores Branch.