Descubre el mundo y aprende a buscar direcciones con el sistema GPS de Google Maps. Experimenta "Street View", mapeo 3D, indicaciones paso a paso y mucho más.
Duración de la clase: 1 hora
Requisitos de edad: Adultos
Requisito previo recomendado: ninguno
Habilidades requeridas: Computadora básica
EVENT TYPE: | Life Skills | Basic Tech Skills |
TAGS: | techesp | tech-basics | tec101 |
LYNX Bus Link 41 State Road 436
LYNX Bus Link 51 Conway / Orlando International Airport
Two miles from the Orlando International Airport, the Southeast Branch is located in the Terracotta Business Park. Included on the property are various terracotta statues of Chinese warriors and horses to enhance the name of the center. Within the business park are Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez, a Veteran's Center, an EMT training center, other businesses and various fast food restaurants.