From the rhythm and repetition of nursery rhymes to the use of picture books, songs and flannel board stories, your child will be encouraged to develop early literacy skills. Recommended for ages 0-5.
This storytime lasts approximately 25 minutes.
Any person requiring special accommodations to participate in any class or event due to a disability may arrange for accommodations by contacting the location at which the event is held at least seven days prior to the event.
LYNX Bus Link 37 Pine Hills / Florida Mall
The Hiawassee Branch began as a bookmobile station in 1962 and was first known as the Pine Hills Library. In later moves the branch became the West Colonial branch and in March 2000, Hiawassee. In early 2010, the Hiawassee Branch moved to a new home near the corner of Hiawassee Road and West Colonial Drive in the Highland Lakes shopping plaza.